It would be hard to find someone who knows more about LE lubrication systems than Michael Tanti, LE Australia’s Technical Manager. Having worked with LE Lubricants and lubrication solutions for over 30 years, Michael is officially an oracle. We interviewed Michael to find out more about him and scratch the surface of his extensive knowledge
How long have you been working at Lubrication Engineers?
I’ve been with LE for 32 years last September. I originally worked as an employee from Sept 86 – Feb 92, then I went out and started my own business but was still associated with LE selling their products. In 2002, I came back on board at LE, after they approached me to re-join the company as the National Technical Manager. Before I joined LE I was always in engineering, however I found it boring just doing the drawings and supervising/liaising with maintenance personnel at one site location. I wanted a sales role, but I also didn’t want to throw away everything I learnt in engineering.
When I saw the product and met the people, I could see I could use my technical expertise, but could work with people and enjoy a sales role. I could see how it could work for me.
At LE you are always doing something different, one day you could be walking over the harbour bridge looking at lubrication of expansion joints, the next day at a major food manufacturer discussing food grade lubricants and lubrication automation. I’m always doing something different and always applying engineering techniques.
What do you do?
On a day to day basis I deal with all the technical enquiries, from customers or the LE sales personnel who are out in the field. We offer technical advice, we design Lube systems from conception. That involves doing the drawings, ordering, getting the right components in and being involved with the installation of the systems down the line. So, it’s the whole process from advice, design, manufacture and supervising the installation.
What’s the best thing about your job?
The variety. The structure of Lubrication Engineers Australia allows me to be involved in several facets of the business which I really enjoy. With a lot of other businesses, you can get pigeon-holed. That’s not the case at LE.
I love being part of a team and getting things over the line together. I love that here. We all work together regardless of what your role is. You never have to worry about being on your own.
What’s been the most rewarding experience whilst working at LE?
About 15 years ago I was heavily involved with the original design of the Viper Wire Rope Lubricator. When the current business owner, Rodney bought the business, it was unusual to sell 2 Vipers in a year. Rodney quickly saw the potential of the product and got me involved in doing more work with the product and found out I’d sold some overseas to Malaysia. Rodney saw the value and put money in to Research and Development taking it to where it is now. The Viper WRL has now won an export award two years in a row and I’ve been able to enjoy the success, attending the awards.
What are you famous for?
I’ve been known to make a mean Garlic Prawns! We had them at Christmas at our place last year so I might do it again this year. I’m also a keen traveller, I’ve been all through Europe,USA and Asia , every year I take a few weeks off and go somewhere new.