Raise the Bar Through Training
The training offered by Lubrication Engineering provides real world, hands on information that can be immediately applied by all lubrication and maintenance staff who attended the course. Based around key aspects of our ‘Circle of Reliability’ users will be empowered to improve lube storage, transfer / top ups, oil sampling, cleanliness management, reduce waste, improve environmental processes and increase reliability. Your investment in trained staff will encourage proactive lubrication management which will increase productivity while reducing the high costs associated with machinery breakdowns.
Lubrication Engineering offer training programmes to help your team become proficient in best practice when it comes to lubrication.
Our training programmes help your team improve their skills and procedures when it comes to:
- Lube Storage
- Lube Transfer
- Lube Refilling
- Oil Sampling
- Managing Cleanliness
- Waste Reduction
- Environmental Processes
- Equipment Reliability

Training Packages
Basics of Lubrication
This training session provides a basic level of theoretical lubrication information delivered by a lubrication expert from Lubrication Engineering covering the basics of:
- Lubrication fundamentals
- Storage & dispensing
- Lubricant transfer
- Contamination management
- Lubrication equipment
- Principles of application
- Oil Sampling & analysis
- Best practice processes
Who should attend:
- New lubrication technicians
- Facility technicians
- Condition Monitoring Personnel
- Maintenance technicians
- Maintenance management
- Purchasing

Best Practice Lubrication
This training session is a level up on the Basics of Lubrication and provides more advanced theoretical lubrication information delivered by a lubrication expert from Lubrication Engineering covering:
- Lubrication fundamentals
- Storage & dispensing
- Lubricant transfer
- Contamination management
- Lubrication equipment
- Principles of application
- Oil Sampling & analysis
- Best practice processes.
Who should attend:
- New lubrication technicians
- Facility technicians
- Condition Monitoring Personnel
- Maintenance technicians
- Maintenance management
- Purchasing

Advanced Lubrication
A combination of hands-on and advanced theoretical training delivered by a Lubrication expert from Lubrication Engineering. The course content covers:
- Lubrication theory, selection and application
- Lube storage, handing and contamination management
- Lubrication & reliability maintenance strategies
- Lubrication health monitoring
- Advanced lubrication best practice
Who should attend:
- Lubrication champions
- Lubrication technicians
- Maintenance technicians
- Maintenance team leaders
- Reliability engineering
- Maintenance engineering.

Training can be delivered on client premises and be customised to your needs and operations . Contact Us to discuss an appropriate training package