Whether it is a new item of plant, a fully integrated system or existing equipment that has been refurbished, rebuilt or overhauled getting the lube oil and hence the system clean is a critical component of the pre-start regime.
How does your facility manage this process? Are you confident that the oil is clean at install and does the system meet the OEM or industry agreed cleanliness standard?
Lubrication Engineering can help you through the First Fill / Flushing / Polishing process to ensure the required result is achieved.
Specific equipment servicing and cleaning services include:

First Fill and Flushing Service
If not managed correctly, new or refurbished equipment has an increased risk of failures during the early period of operation. Commonly known as ‘Infant Mortality’, equipment may suffer damage to components that ultimately leads to the plant item failing or needing to be repaired, even though it is brand new.

Purifier Servicing Package
Water in hydraulic, lubrication, power transmission and dielectric fluids adversely affects fluid performance and is a threat to system reliability.
Pall Vacuum Dehydration Purifiers, utilise Mass Transfer to remove 100% of free water and as much as 90% of dissolved water but will also remove 100% of free and entrained gasses and up to 80% of dissolved gasses.
Please contact us to discuss us the cleaning and servicing of your unique lubrication system.